Judson laipply, M.Ed CSP
Workshops & Training
Trusted By Top Organizations

Dance Your Way to Success: Judson Laipply’s Innovative Training Workshops

In-person & Virtual Workshops and Training Offered
Workshop 1

Motivation or Manipulation? Understanding drive when leading others
Do you know when you are being motivated or when you are being manipulated? Is there a difference? Does it matter?
This session will help you identify and explain the difference, express the relationship between the five core drives and behavior, craft more effective communications, recognize when biases might be activated and influence interactions, and help you create ideal cultures to maximize your team’s capabilities and experiences.
To complement and drive well architected strategies, teams require people who are engaged, recognized, motivated, and inspired.
Leading these teams has become more nuanced due to the complex role of group interaction, individual behavioral drives, societal pressures, and gulfs between personal and organizational goals. Leaders must be able to communicate and guide their team members in ways that will ignite their main drives all while delivering on your organization’s vision and mission.
This interactive session is fast moving and highly engaging so come ready to think, share, and evolve.
Key concepts and learning point:
- Express and explain the difference between motivation and manipulation and employ them to build teams that will affect change, create value, and work towards fulfillment of organizational initiatives and goals.
- Identify and interpret the five main drives of human behavior and extrapolate to modify communication and reward systems to align with individual’s dominant drives.
- Illustrate and summarize the human behavior model to design and create influential input to create optimal output for both individuals and organizations.
- Laugh, Learn, and Evolve
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Workshop 2

The 5 L’s for Living
This program can be used in either workshop setting or as a theme for an entire day, weekend or week long camp. Laugh, Listen, Learn, Live, and Love. They are five simple words that have many definitions and many uses. Alone each of them covers an important aspect of life but together they can be a powerful mantra for living. We will explore the internal and external facet of these words in relations to others and self. Listen to yourself, Laugh with yourself, Learn from yourself, Live for yourself, and Love yourself and the internal explorations of personal power. Once you have a grasp on these areas you can move onto the external areas. Listen to others, Laugh with others, Learn from others, Live for others, and Love all others. These areas lend themselves to multiple ideas concerning leadership and success. Communication, self-exploration, laughter, service leadership, diversity, understanding, motivation, and self-esteem are just a few of the areas that these five L’s touch upon.
Key concepts and learning point:
- Identify the importance of listening in communication with multiple levels of awareness.
- Relate the impact and importance of laughing to create bonds and social engagement while seeking to understand the difference of laughing “with” vs “at”.
- Convey the benefits of life-long learning, mentoring, and growth.
- Understand and convey the effect of bias on our perception of the world around us and how to reduce its influence.
- Communicate the tenets of servant leadership and it’s aim.
- Laugh, Learn, and Evolve.
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